I. Overview of Examination Structure and Schedule
- Purpose: This document outlines the examination and evaluation processes for students at this educational institution.
- Examination Timing: End-of-semester theory examinations are held twice per year, in November and April. These exams cover core courses for Part I, Part II, allied courses, Part IV courses, job-oriented courses, advanced learners courses, and career-oriented programs.
- Practical Exams: Practical examinations are conducted before the theory exams.
- Time Table and Hall Tickets: The exam schedule is posted 20 days before the commencement of examinations, and hall tickets are issued to eligible students 5 days before the exams begin.
II. Examination Day Schedule and Procedure
- Two Sessions: Exams are held in two sessions: a forenoon session (morning) and an afternoon session.
- Schedule:
- Seating: Students must be seated in their allotted places by 9:15 AM (forenoon) or 1:15 PM (afternoon).
- Answer Paper: Answer paper distribution starts at 9:25 AM or 1:25 PM.
- Question Paper: Question papers are distributed at 9:30 AM or 1:30 PM.
- Timer: There’s a caution bell at 12:15 PM or 4:15 PM indicating prep time for submission.
- Submission: Answer scripts must be submitted by 12:30 PM (forenoon session) or 4:30 PM (afternoon session)..
- Duration: The standard duration for each end-of-semester theory examination is three hours.
III. Evaluation of Extension Activities
- Focus: This section describes how student participation in extracurricular/extension activities is evaluated. These activities fall under “Part V” subjects.
- Staff Evaluation: The staff in charge of these activities evaluates student performance.
- Marking Parameters: A total of 50 marks per semester (for CIA or Continuous Internal Assessment) is awarded based on the following:
- Attendance (10 marks): Based on the regularity of student attendance during the sessions.
- Active Participation (30 marks): Given to student based their active involvement in camps, games, special events or having representation in College/District/State/University events.
- Awards (5 marks): This is given for any awards/ certificates/ prizes student has won.
- Social Components (5 marks): Marks are given for participation in activities such as blood donation, Fine arts, and other similar activities.
IV. Provisions for Improvement
- Eligibility: Students who have passed a course are allowed to reappear for the same course in the following end-of-semester exam one time only to improve their grades.
- Subjects: This re-appearance for improvement is permitted in both theory and practical subjects for all semesters except final semester subjects.
- Mark Statement: If the marks improved, a revised mark statement will be issued by withdrawing the previous one.
- No Improvement: In case there is no improvement in the result, there will be no change in the original marks provided.
- Classifications: The improved marks will be considered for classification but not for ranking purposes.
V. Re-Appearance for Arrear Subjects
- Retaking Failed Exams: Students who fail their end-of-semester exams are permitted to retake them through “arrear” examinations.
- Timing: These retake exams are held either along with the regular exams in subsequent semesters, or offered separately.
VI. Restrictions on Appearing for Examinations
- Time Limit: Students who failed any paper (Part I, II, III, IV UG end-of-semester exams and Core & Elective papers of PG End-of-Semester exams) are required to clear those papers within 5 years from the date of admission to that particular course.
- Syllabus Changes: If they fail to clear the papers within this 5-year period, they will need to take the exam according to the current syllabus/regulations that are in force for the ongoing batch of students.
- Paper Removal: If the subject has been removed because of changed regulations or curriculum changes, students will have to take an equivalent paper with revised syllabus as suggested by the Chairman of the Board of Studies.
VII. Provision for Re-totalling, Revaluation and Photocopy of Answer Scripts
- Application Process: UG students can apply for retotalling, revaluation or a photocopy of the answer scripts through the Heads of Departments and principal, via a prescribed form and after paying the specified fee. The application period is 10 days after the posting of results.
- Eligibility: Revaluation/photocopy requests are permitted for current semester papers as well as any arrear papers.
- Final Semester: Students needing revaluation for the final semester papers have a shorter deadline of 5 days after results are published.
- Revised Marks: If revaluation or retotalling results in a higher score, a new mark sheet will be issued after taking the previous one.
- No Change: If there is no change in the marks, the student will be informed that there was “No change”.
- Revaluation and Retotalling: Students applying for revaluation do not need to apply for retotalling as the revaluation process should take care of the process.
- Revaluation after Photocopy: Students who first obtain a photocopy of their answer scripts can apply for revaluation within 7 days of obtaining the copy by paying the revaluation fee.
VIII. Special Supplementary Examination
- Purpose: These special exams are offered to final year UG and PG students to help them graduate within the same academic year, supporting their further educational pursuits or employment.
- Eligibility: These exams are mainly for students who have only failed in one paper in their sixth semester.
- Application: Students can apply for the supplementary exams within 7 days of the publication of results.
- Exam Fee: The fee for these supplementary exams is three times the regular fee per theory/practical paper.
IX. Information Regarding Examinations
- Communication: Information concerning examinations will be available on the College Website (www.ngmc.org) and the college notice board.
- Regular Students: Regular students will receive the examination information through circulars in addition to the methods mentioned above.
- No Individual Notifications: The college will not be sending individual notifications to any students.
In essence, this document serves as a comprehensive guide to the examination, evaluation, and re-evaluation processes at the institution. It lays out the rules and timelines students need to follow, from the regular end-of-semester exams to the supplementary options.